Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How do i deal with a pregnant wife who has mother issues?

I am a deployed soldier in support of operation iraqi freedom. My wife and i have been together for about two years now, i recently got back from leave and found out that she is pregnant. We are both very excited but, My wife has got some major mother issues. Where as i have a excelent relationship with mine. My wife has told me she wants her mom to be a more prominent figure in her life. On the day we found out, we told my parents first, and they were overjoyed, with congrats ect... when we called her mom, she didnt seem excited at all. I can see how much it hurts her. My mom has tried to be there for my wife, but she continually fights what my mom is tryin to do for her. How do i deal with this, I want my wife to be happy, but i dont want her to keep hurting my mom, when all she is doin is trying to help, When i try to talk about her, it is a fierce argument with no winners. I need help

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