Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Defend Conservatism.?

I personally think you have this backwards. Conservatives are tired of libs bashing bush and palin for years now--get over it. If a lib cannot praise their own politicians then shut the hell up. Also, all conservatives are not Chrstians---this idea that cons are obsessed with religion just shows one's ignorance.Cons are NOT against gay rights--against gay marriage simply because of the definition of MARRIAGE. Cons bash Frank because he is a lib, not because he is gay. Why do you think millions of people immigrate to the USA-----to get a job with the government.-NO--they come because AMERICA OFFERS OPPORTUNITY for one to make a living. Obviously, you believe in bigger government--then how do you explain what is happening in Greece and France? These are smaller countries and their government COULD NOT SUSTAIN to pay for governmental entitlements.Political correctness-----omg--hey, it wasnt O'reilly who walked off the show, it was the 2 ignorant libs who refused to ackowledge that muslims flew the planes into the world trade centers. Seems to me, you dont understand--you live in an idealogical world, trying to explain your liberal beliefs, but not by showing the advantages of liberalism but by tearing down the your opposition.You, like all other libs, twist the facts to suit your needs. Hows this for a conservative whing?

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